Достигнув 95-го уровня, персонаж может взять квесты из группы Green Dragon или White Tiger's. В каждой группе можно брать на выбор 1 из 4-х квестов. Информации о том, можно ли брать квест повторно нет пока, но возможно да, т.к. они все Repeatable after failure (Повторяемый после ошибки и отменяемый) Группу White Tiger's дает НПС Kentavious - "Demon world" 332 464(26)
Группу Green Dragon дает НПС Immortal Illusory - "Celestial world" 481 506(19)
В каждой группе на выбор 4 ветки
Green Dragon Wisdom
Green Dragon Courtesy
Green Dragon Justice
Green Dragon Clemency
White Tiger's Wisdom
White Tiger's Courtesy
White Tiger's Justice
White Tiger's Clemency
Взяв какую-либо необходимо сначала получить соответствующие 7 книг с квестами, выполнив которые, в награду получите предметы для основного квеста. Выполнение заключается в убийстве 1-го из боссов соответствующего ФБ 99. Это книги:
Для группы White Tiger's:
Devil Excerption (Water) - Uni-Cornued Thunder Elders http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9230
Devil Excerption (Earth) - Eschew Mundane http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9223
Devil Excerption (Fire) - Death Monoblar http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9227
Devil Excerption (Metal) - Cloistral RecluBel http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9224
Devil Excerption (Moon) - Jebel Knuckle - Greed http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9970
Devil Excerption (Sun) - Infinitum-Headless Haunted http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9910
Devil Excerption (Wood) - PeachBlossom Phiz http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9181
Для группы Green Dragon:
Heaven Excerption (Wood) - StyxTorch - Marauder http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9229
Heaven Excerption (Moon) - Tenth Stem Voider http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9908
Heaven Excerption (Fire) - Suicidal Being of - Mass http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9909
Heaven Excerption (Metal) - DeLoricate Venerator http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9183
Heaven Excerption (Earth) - DeGlaver Venerator http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9184
Heaven Excerption (Water) - DeExecution Venerator http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9185
Heaven Excerption (Sun) - Tophet Sovereign http://www.pwdatabase.com/my/mob/9186
Книги эти падают из некоторых мобов 90+ в обычном мире и из многих мобов в мирах Demon/Celestial 89+.
Собрав все 7 книг по ветке и убив всех нужных боссов в ФБ 99 можно получить награду: 1 из 3х вещей Голд:
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:32)
Green Dragon Wisdom
?Empyrean Sault
Magic Sword
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 3
Physical attack 440-660
Magical attack 801-978
Str required 52
Int required 285
Level Required: 95
Increase in Magic Attack +56
HP Value +165
Probability of Critical +1%
?Distinct Nihility Pants
Grade 12
Physical Defence +156
Metal defence +1395
Wood defence +1395
Water defence +1395
Fire defence +1395
Earch defence +1395
Str required 52
Int required 146
Level Required: 95
HP Value +60
Intelligent +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?Dustless Neckless
Chromatic Necklace
Grade 12
Metal defence +279
Wood defence +279
Water defence +279
Fire defence +279
Earch defence +279
Level Required: 95
Five Element Defense +200
Intelligent +6~7
Constitution +6~7
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:33)
Green Dragon Courtesy
?Solar Chaser
Grade 12
Attack Range 20
Physical attack 793-1472
Str required 52
Agi required 287
Level Required: 95
Increase in Physical Attack +72
Constitution +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?Distinct Nihility Armor
Grade 12
Physical Defence +699
Metal defence +1085
Wood defence +1085
Water defence +1085
Fire defence +1085
Earch defence +1085
Str required 99
Agi required 99
Level Required: 95
HP Value +105
Agility +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?Dustless Ring
Metalic Ring
Grade 12
Physical attack 94
Level Required: 95
Agility +6~7
Probability of Critical +1%
Accuracy +53
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:33)
Green Dragon Justice
?InfernoShock Mace
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 3.5
Physical attack 660-1225
Str required 287
Agi required 52
Level Required: 95
Increase in Physical Attack +56
Agility +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?Distinct Nihility Casque
Heavy Casque
Grade 12
Str required 146
Life +295
Level Required: 95
HP Value +120
Strength +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?Dustless Waist Adorn
Jade Amulet
Grade 12
Physical Defence +279
Level Required: 95
Physical Defense +63
HP Value +105
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:33)
Green Dragon Clemency
?Violet Star
Dual sword
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 3
Physical attack 801-1084
Str required 188
Agi required 150
Level Required: 95
Increase in Physical Attack +56
Strength +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?Distinct Nihility Casque
Heavy Casque
Grade 12
Str required 146
Life +295
Level Required: 95
HP Value +120
Strength +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?Dustless Ring
Metalic Ring
Grade 12
Physical attack 94
Level Required: 95
Agility +6~7
Probability of Critical +1%
Accuracy +53
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:34)
White Tiger's Wisdom
?Witch Lunaric
Jewel Quoit
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 3
Physical attack 441-597
Magical attack 712-1067
Str required 52
Int required 285
Level Required: 95
Maximum in Magic Attack +94
Intelligent +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?DarkSheol Coronet
Grade 12
Str required 52
Mana +350
Level Required: 95
HP Value +90
Intelligent +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?BloodMalefic Ring
Gemstone Ring
Grade 12
Magical attack 94
Level Required: 95
Mana Point Value +130
Intelligent +6~7
Probability of Critical +1%
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:34)
White Tiger's Courtesy
Grade 12
Attack Range 20
Physical attack 717-1671
Str required 56
Agi required 282
Level Required: 95
Maximum in Physical Attack +124
HP Value +165
Probability of Critical +1%
?DarkSheol Boots
Light Boot
Grade 12
Physical Defence +399
Metal defence +620
Wood defence +620
Water defence +620
Fire defence +620
Earch defence +620
Str required 99
Agi required 99
Level Required: 95
HP Value +105
Agility +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?BloodMalefic Necklace
Invocation Necklace
Grade 12
Physical Defence +279
Level Required: 95
Strength +6~7
Agility +6~7
Constitution +6~7
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:35)
White Tiger's Justice
?Ether Domination
Dual Hatchet
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 3.5
Physical attack 623-1453
Str required 287
Agi required 52
Level Required: 95
Maximum in Physical Attack +94
Strength +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?DarkSheol Armor
Heavy Loricae
Grade 12
Physical Defence +1630
Metal defence +700
Wood defence +700
Water defence +700
Fire defence +700
Earch defence +700
Str required 240
Agi required 52
Level Required: 95
HP Value +120
Strength +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?Ethereal Waist Adorn
Jade Amulet
Grade 12
Physical Defence +308
Level Required: 95
Physical Defense +72
HP Value +120
Decrease Physical Harm +2%
Добавлено (16.12.2008, 15:35)
White Tiger's Clemency
Sharp Edge
Close Range
Grade 12
Attack Range 2.5
Physical attack 480-649
Str required 146
Agi required 193
Level Required: 95
Maximum in Physical Attack +94
Agility +10~11
Probability of Critical +1%
?DarkSheol Armor
Heavy Loricae
Grade 12
Physical Defence +1630
Metal defence +700
Wood defence +700
Water defence +700
Fire defence +700
Earch defence +700
Str required 240
Agi required 52
Level Required: 95
HP Value +120
Strength +5~6
Decrease Physical Harm +1%
?BloodMalefic Necklace
Invocation Necklace
Grade 12
Physical Defence +279
Level Required: 95
Strength +6~7
Agility +6~7
Constitution +6~7